In an Age of Disruption, Learn How to Differentiate Your Brand with our Startup Branding Strategy Workshop

Startup Branding Strategy Workshop


In collaboration with Branding Strategy Insider and The Blake Project, Engagement Marketing offers an intensive brand strategy workshop – enabling Startups to scale with confidence and purpose.

Workshop Overview


Startup Founders & Applicable Team Members


Develop and produce your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with a compelling brand strategy & story.


  • Facilitated by top brand strategists
  • Develop the least expensive, time-consuming iteration of your product influenced by your brand promise
  • Sessions are easily recorded
  • Come away with the elements of your brand strategy needed to communicate your unique story across all channels

The time is NOW to emotionally charge your competitive future.

How the Startup Branding Workshop Works

During our 2 day intensive workshop we’ll go through 6 stages that can take large branding teams months to deliver the same results. Our method and structure for delivering this workshop has helped brands around the globe quickly come to a consensus on how to position their brand in the marketplace.


PHASE 1: Discovery

What is at the core of your offerings value? What is the underpinning business model? What is the mission, vision, values and purpose? Together we will audit the internal and external drivers of the business.

  • review visual brand keywords
  • map out market positioning vs competitors
  • agree on target personas
  • review customer feedback
  • review internal stakeholder feedback

PHASE 3: Inside the Market

What is the context in which your offering will compete? How will you compete? Your enemies are the ideas that compete with, or conflict with your purpose. What is your enemy? Together we will create a competitive advantage or eliminate the competition to create a new category.

  • Review all competitors that provide a solution to the problem you’re solving
  • Extract the elements of your emotional advantage
  • Map-out alternate markets or sub-markets you can dominate

PHASE 5: Communicating Unique Value

What is your name? What is your most important messaging? Is it memorable? What is the minimum a customer needs to recognize you? Is your story as powerful as your offering? Do you have enough evidence to support your claims?

  • An intensive creative and interactive session challenging your assumptions and views to identify the most advantageous brand and/or product name 
  • A messaging framework will be developed from your brand story and documented for use in future materials

PHASE 2: Inside Our Mind

Who represents the most value? What will motivate them to stop buying what they are used to? How will you resonate and create the most impact? Together we will explore the minds of those most important to your future.

  • Review thought-provoking answers from customers
  • Form a hypothesis to test
  • Identify communications that currently resonates with your top customers
  • Extract patterns and develop frameworks that will inform elements of your brand 

PHASE 4: Defining Unique Value

What does your new offering change in the world? Why will that change be welcomed? Why hasn’t it happened yet? Is that change big enough to create desired impact? What will you stand for? What will you stand against? Together we will define an emotionally charged, differentiating advantage.

  • Define your brand purpose
  • Create a brand story that provides you with an emotional advantage
  • Decide what your brand stands for

PHASE 6: Review & Implementation

Getting months of work done in 2 days is a great accomplishment if the work is implemented effectively. We focus on taking the outcomes of our research, collaboration and consensus and provide you with a document to be used for implementing your brand strategy and story across all areas of your business.

  • This work helps senior management and your team make decisions based on a common strategy
  • Future development needs to align with the decisions you’ve made in this workshop
  • Consensus at the senior leadership level is easier when you have a solid brand strategy to back up your decisions

General Inquires

Fill out our form to get in touch to discuss partnerships or opportunities to work together.


2435 Holly Ln,

Ottawa, Ontario


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